Announcement 공지

[Registration Extension until July 31st] Registration for the 90th TOPIK on October 14th

조회수 3733

2023 The 90th TOPIK

Exam Date : October 14th, 2023 (SAT)

1. Test Location 

 a. San Francisco : 32 Broad St, San Francisco, CA 94112

 b. San Jose : 4435 Fortran Dr, San Jose, CA 95134

 (Sacramento and Utah test location is canceled due to insufficient number of applicants. Applicants who have applied for this test location can apply for a change to the above San Francisco or San Jose test location if desired)

 * If there are fewer than 20 applicants, the test location may be closed. (We will send you notifications related to location changes)

2. Registration Period : until Jul 31st (MON)

3. Registration requirements

  a. Application form

  b. Photo file (jpeg or jpg, should be 3cm*4cm) - you can check whether you can register the photograph 

      you have chosen on the system. Click this link to check the photo


C. Fee : TOPIK I $40 / TOPIK II $55

4. What to Bring on test day

 (We will hand out pens and registration slips at the location)

 -Valid ID with your photo, name, and date of birth

 -Correction tape (If you want to bring your own)

How to apply

Step 1. Fill out the application form

 * You should write all information except the registration number.

 * Don't forget to put your name and signature on application.

Step2. Upload your application and photo file

- - Govermentprogram - TOPIK

- Application form & Photo file (JPG or JPEG & 3cm*4cm Only)

Step3. Submit a payment

 -Venmo @SF-koreanEducation

 -Check (Payable to : Korean Education Center in SF)

 * Where to Send - KECSF, 3500 Clay street, SF, CA, 94118)

 * Fees are non-refundable except test location closure.

Important Notice

1. Application and Fee should arrive at KECSF by July 31st, 5:00 PM.   

2. If you are sending your payment through Venmo, please put your name and test location on the note.  (Last 4 digits of verification: 7002)

3. You must attach your photo to the application & upload the application and the 3cm*4cm photo file (JPEG or JPG) through the link below. 

 Click Here to Upload the application form and photo file

(We will open the document upload section and close it on July 31st, at 5:00 pm.)

4. We will contact you if there are missing documents or location closures. Also, We will send you a confirmation email after registration ends, so if you do not get the confirmation email by August, please email us. (Sometimes, emails can be in spam, so please check your spam folder before contacting us.)

5. Exam Time Schedule (Only restroom or water is allowed during the break time)

Test TypeArrive byStartEnd
TOPIK I09:10 AM09:40 AM11:20 AM
TOPIK II (1st Period)12:20 PM12:50 PM2:40 PM
Break Time - 2:40 ~ 3:00 PM
TOPIK II (2nd Period)3:00 PM3:10 PM

4:20 PM

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact. ( / 415-590-4058)