Announcement 공지

제93회 한국어능력시험 안내 (Announcement for TOPIK on April 13th 2024)

조회수 2919

Important Notice

1. Application and Fee should arrive at KECSF by January 31st, 17:00 PM. We do not accept any early or late fees and applications.  

(You may submit the application and fee in person or by mail -  Address: 3500 Clay Street, SF, CA 94118. However, you still need to upload your photo. )

2. If you are sending your payment through Venmo, please put your name and test location on the note.  (Last 4 digits of verification: 7002)

3. You must attach your photo to the application & upload the application and the 3cm*4cm photo file (JPEG or JPG) through the link below. 

 Click Here to Upload the application form and photo file

4.  If there are missing documents or location closures, we will contact you back. Also, We will send you a confirmation email on February 9th before noon, so if you do not get the confirmation email by February 9th, please send an email to us. (Sometimes, emails can be in spam, so please check your spam folder before contacting us.)

5. Exam Time Schedule

Test TypeArrive byStartEnd
TOPIK I09:10 AM09:40 AM11:20 AM
TOPIK II (1st Period)12:20 PM12:50 PM14:40 PM
TOPIK II (2nd Period)15:00 PM15:10 PM

16:20 PM

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact. ( / 415-590-4058)